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[医学信息学/醫學信息學 yī xué xìn xī xué] [Medical Informatics] [医療情報学 いりょうじょうほうがく] [Informatique Médicale] [Informática Médica] [Medizinische Informatik]
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医学信息学是对医疗服务数据的鉴定、收集、存储、传播、检索和分析进行系统研究的科学,以改善医生和医疗管理组织者的决策。它是信息科学、医药和卫生保健的交叉。它涉及到对 生物医药保健信息的获取、存储、检索和利用进行优化所需的资源、装置和方法。医学信息学工具不仅包括计算机系统,还包括临床指导书、正规医学用语、以及信息和通讯系统。医学信息学将成为医生和医疗管理者的重要工具。
医学概念检索 - 医学数字图书馆的核心部分

这里展示了来自哈佛医学院教科书的一章,其中突出显示了所有的医学概念。最初的文件媒体是PDF格式,被转换成原始的XML内容,然后再进行处理并转化成典型的电子书XML格式。采用美国国家医药图书馆的MetaMap程序,从XML内容中的每个句子中提取出了所有的医学概念。移动鼠标到每个突出的医学概念上,您能看见在UMLS® Metathesaurus中规定的医学概念。点击此处浏览整个文章。

History and Epidemiology

Mary Ellen Avery and Douglas Richardson


    In the late nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth century, deaths from infectious diseases in the first years of life were so common that it is not surprising to find so few students of premature birth and so few articles concerning the special needs of low-birth-weight infants. These small infants were not expected to live. In fact, in the 1940s, some authorities thought of birth weights under 3 pounds as incompatible with life, although rare exceptions have always been noted, as in the case of the Dionne quintuplets, each of whom weighed under 3 pounds. Dafoe, who delivered them on May 28, 1934, wrote, ‘‘There were no scales small enough to measure accurately the separate weights of the babies, but on May 29 [second day] their combined weight was 13 pounds 6 ounces.’’ They were born about 2 months early. Marie, the smallest, weighed 1 1/2 pounds. Yvonne, the largest, weighed nearly 3 pounds. (Accurate scales arrived on the 6th day.)
    As many infectious diseases came under control, physicians turned more attention to newborn infants. It is believed that Budin in Paris published one of the first articles on premature infants in 1888. At about the same time, German physicians, one of whom was Finkelstein in Berlin, became interested in the problems of premature infants and initiated special programs for their care. In Helsinki in 1912, Ylppo pioneered the research on prenatal and postnatal growth and the pathology of prematurity. Hess, an American physician who studied in Europe, was the founder of the first center in the United States that specialized in the care of premature infants; it was established at Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago in 1922. The criterion of 2500 g (5 1/2 pounds) birth weight was used to distinguish a premature from a term infant, and not until much later was the concept of gestational age widely accepted as being a more accurate measure of the stage of development of an infant than weight alone. Physicians who were first concerned with premature infants noted early that these children were unable to maintain their own body temperatures. Various devices, including double-walled metal tubs with the space between the walls filled with circulating hot water, were in use in Europe and Russia in the mid- nineteenth century. Other devices, such as hot-water bottles and electrically heated cribs, were the predecessors of more modern incubators. Occasionally the whole room in which many infants were cared for was kept at high temperatures, paving the way for the modern requirements that constant year-round temperature and humidity be maintained in nurseries where premature infants are cared for.



  • Health Level 7 (HL7 - 健康资讯交换第七层)是为发展国际健康医疗标准的一个自发性非营利组织,它提供了一个框架(以及相关的标准)用以对电子健康信息的交流、集成、共享和检索。
  • SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine -- Clinical Terms,医学术语系统命名法-临床术语)是一部经过系统组织编排的,便于计算机处理的医学术语集,涵盖大多数方面的临床信息,如疾病、所见、操作、微生物、药物等。
  • ICD (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems,国际疾病与相关健康问题统计分类)是一个提供编号,以对疾病与许多症兆、症状、异常、不适、社会环境与外伤等所做的分类(含6位的编号)。
  • CPT (Current Procedural Terminology,当代操作术语集)是美国医学会用来准确描述内科学、外科学以及诊断学方面的医疗服务项目的一部代码集。
  • UMLS (Unified Medical Language System,一体化医学语言系统)是对生物医学科学领域内许多受控词表的一部纲目式汇编。UMLS由下列组件构成:Metathesaurus (超级叙词表/元叙词表),Semantic Network (语义网络),以及SPECIALIST Lexicon (专家辞典)。

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